Things You Must Pack For Your Safari


Are you going on a safari? Safari is a wonderful experience that everyone should try to do at least once in their life. But the fact that there are a few things that you have to carry with you will help you to make your safari journey a good vacation. Packing for a safari is vastly different than packing for just about any other trip, and it’s often a challenge for first-time safari-goers. Not only do most safari-goers have weight restrictions on bush flights but also have the challenge of preferring the clothes to wear on safari are appropriate.

Waterproof Bag

Dust is problematic and hard on your camera equipment. And if you are going on safari in the monsoon season on rainy days you'll be fighting the rain. Having a dry waterproof bag large enough to put all your equipment and anything else you want to stay dry or dust/mud free will help.

Safari Dress


Pack very thin and lightweight clothing, with earthy tones cloths. As most of the camps provide washing services, packing light should easily consider three to four clothes. It is always good to pack or a Hoodie or fleece, as the driver of the night can be extremely cold. Khaki and tan is a popular color for this types of trip, but most of the time in the safari, you are still in a safari car and you can wear jeans/shorts with t-shirts in almost every color. However, avoid shirts that are purple, red, or blue - bright colors seem to make animals shy, and they will run away.

Solar Charger

Solar Charger is a very useful gadget as you will be away from electrical outlets for a while in the wilderness, you will need a solar charger to keep your electrical devices fully charged.

Paracord Bracelet

When traveling in a large area outside, it is always wise to have a few tools in hand. The paracord bracelet combines style and functionality, providing a few key tools such as a flint and compass fire launcher. You will need these tools if something bad happens to you during the safari.

Insect Repellent


When it comes to going outdoors, insects are not your friend and this is especially true when it comes to safari travel. Many safaris occur in areas where mosquitoes are most likely to infect it's not only because of the irritating insect bites but also the spread of such dangerous diseases as malaria and dengue fever. Make sure you pack a good insect repellent to save you from these diseases.


Bring a bandana, which, when it's a warning whether .bandana soaked in water, is very refreshing to your neck, or head. if cold bring a scarf and gloves.


Pick up comfortable socks and good shoes that prevent blisters: Walking in the woods while you are on Safari is an incredible experience. Whether you're leaving a short nature walk with your guide, or a long day hiking trip please be sure to pack socks that provide a double layer of blister protection. Blisters, especially on long walks Safaris can make uncomfortable times in the forest.

Safari Shoes

Please remember that in terrains it is often uneven and can be difficult and painful to walk in. If you expect it to be Less painful try to get safari shoes that will help reduce the chances of blisters in the foot. Also, walking is the best way To see and experience the wonderful forest.


Remember to keep your prescription in your bag and make sure you have enough of each type to last for the entire safari trip. If you wear glasses, be sure to pack more than one set in case you lose one or more. or if they break. You'll be out for a long time, so it's better to prepare in advance to avoid struggle at the time of safari. in case the worst happens the things you need diarrhea, headache, heartburn, insect repellent, hand sanitizer, itching (antihistamine), digestion, sore throat (lozenges), eye drops, and most importantly - anti-malarial pills.


While most people take their camera or they will use their mobile phone as a device to record the trip of the wonderful safari. the camera helps you to record every detail of the safari trip you can also show this clip to your friend and family to explain about the adventurous safari.



Not everyone thinks they need to take binoculars but Binoculars are important for a great wildlife look on safari and a good pair of Binoculars will make a very big difference in your safari trip. Find the most expensive binocular you can afford at least 8x or better 10x). This will help to view animals from a distance as it is safe to stay behind sometimes. Also, you can find animals who are far away from its not possible to see by naked eyes binocular can help you to see far without going near to the animals.


A good rechargeable flashlight is very important to take when going on safari. It may be completely dark in the woods or your tent in the middle of the night. A rechargeable flashlight is great for this but The new miner's LED headlights that fit your head and leave your hands free are also a good option. Most of the camps will provide a flashlight if needed, but be independent It's always a good idea.


If you have an exciting book on the go. It will help you to stay relaxed and focused as you will never know when going on safari can be delayed at the airport due to any reason during the free time at the airport or in the plan. You can just read the book.

Travel Diary

A travel diary or magazine is something you can like. You will see and hear more in So short a time on safari, that the only way to keep a good record of it would be to Write it down. it will serve as an important adventurous record for your safari.

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