Interesting facts about ‘The Great Pyramid of Giza’


The Great Pyramid of Giza, one of the seven wonders of the world located in Giza, Egypt, is one of the most remarkable architectural achievements in human "history". These are the largest and most identifiable pyramid structures in the world that were built to honor Pharaoh Khufu during the Old Kingdom period, the first ever great era of Egyptian civilization stands as a testament to the ingenuity and craftsmanship of the ancient Egyptians. With a height of approximately 138 meters, it continues to captivate visitors through its grandeur and enigmatic "history", serving as the symbol of the ancient world’s architectural and engineering brilliance.

So, Check Out these interesting facts about ‘The Great Pyramid of Giza’

1. Was once the tallest human-built structure


The Great Pyramid of Giza, also known as the Pyramid of Khufu, was once the "tallest" building constructed by a human workforce built with ancient Egyptian’s basic knowledge of construction and engineering. This gigantic structure remained the "tallest" human-built structure for several centuries until the Lincoln Cathedral was constructed in 1311 AD.

2. The pyramids were built between 2560 and 2540 BCE


The construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza, made by the fourth dynasty Pharoah Khufu began around 2,550 B.C. and is estimated to have taken around 20 years to be completed. However, the exact duration of the construction of this magnificent structure still is a topic of debate among "historians" and researchers but the consensus suggests that it took several decades to complete its construction.

3. They were built for the Pharoah Khufu


The Great Pyramid of Giza was built for Pharoah Khufu to honor him and to serve as his tomb after death. The Pharaoh was seen as a part god and part human, and it was also believed that the pharaoh moves into the "afterlife" after death because of which it was important for the Pharoah to have a proper burial space.

4. Inside, there exist three chambers


There exist three burial chambers inside these pyramids that were intended to house Khufu and the goods and treasures that he would take with him in the afterlife. The names of these three chambers are the King’s Chamber, the Queen’s Chamber, and the Subterranean Chamber. Out of these, the largest and most significant is the King’s Chamber, the Queen’s chamber is comparatively smaller and is situated higher in the pyramid, connected to Grand Gallery, and the third chamber is located below ground level, unfinished, and thought to have been abandoned during construction.

5. The pyramids have been looted multiple times


The pyramids of Giza have been looted several times by robbers, like many other royal tombs. As it was well known that the Pharaohs used to be buried with treasures such as gold and jewels, grave robbing became quite common in ancient Egypt because of which the pyramids were looted within 500 years of being completed and secured.

6. The construction of these pyramids was done by skilled workers


Current research regarding the fact of the builders of the Great Pyramids of Giza shows that the workers who build these magnificent "structure" were not slaves and were well paid off and well fed throughout.

7. In the past, all three pyramids were layered with white limestone


All three pyramids of Giza were once layered with highly polished white limestone which when struck by the sun, used to light up and shimmer. However, over the years, these limestone casings have disappeared because of earthquakes or being taken to be used at some other buildings elsewhere. But, the original casings can still be seen at the top of the Pyramid of Khafre.

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